When I mention a large corporation, see if you can identify what colour is associated with that brand:

  1. McDonalds
  2. Staples
  3. Walmart
  4. Costco
  5. Coca Cola
  6. Pepsi

I bet you can not only visualize the logo, but identify the corresponding colours for every single one of these major bands.

For Some Brands, Their “Branded Colour” Alone Makes You Think Of Them

Some brands have done an incredible job with associating particular colours with their brands.   Personally, whenever I see that mustard-yellow colour – I think of that “Big M”.   It’s that ingrained.

When you identify your brand with a colour, you can create all sorts of subliminal triggers in people.  They no longer need to see your name… they simply see that particular colour or pattern of colours and think of you.

How Do I Pick a Colour Scheme?

Colours are Incredibly Important to the Perception of a Brand.   Not just because you can create an association with colour.  But colours also evoke a particular emotion in people.  Reds and yellow, for example, are very stimulating.  Whereas blues and greens tend to be more calming.    In order to pick an appropriate colour scheme, therefore, it is important to know what kind of emotion you want associated with your brand.

What product are you selling?

  • Does it involve food and consumption of food?   Reds and yellows stimulate appetite.
  • Does it involve peace and tranquility?  Blues tend to represent peacefulness.
  • Does it involve nature, or healing?    Greens work best.
  • Are you wanting to express clean, crisp and clear?   Whites and very light blues.
  • What colour expresses femininity?   Well that one should be easy – pink.
  • Spirituality?  Purples work well.

The Pitfalls of Picking the “Wrong” Colour

When you pick a colour that doesn’t match the emotion or the message you are trying to convey, it causes confusion for the consumer.  The conflicting emotions will cause unrest and distrust.  Very few people will be able to tell you why they “feel uneasy”.  They just do.

The Bottom Line

When you pick colours that match the message, people will feel the cohesiveness.   They trust your brand more.  They unconsciously perceive that you “know what you are talking about”.

Many entrepreneurs discount the importance of colour in their branding process.   But any artist will tell you, colour is fundamental to all things that involve expression and emotion.   And branding is about creating identity, trust and loyalty.  Emotions have a lot to do with all of it.