Transform Your Website 

Your Website Is......

  • How people find you
  • Your face to the world
  • Where you connect with potential clients
  • Where you can showcase your products and services
  • Where you can list special events and activities
  • A place to inform, entertain and engage

Kathy Perry

What is Our Mission? To provide small businesses and solo-preneurs with the tools, support, and information to create and maintain a successful, professional, and cost-effective on-line presence.

Want a "New Look"?

Are you starting a business?   Do you have a business already?

Do you need a website?     Do you already have a website but want to make it better?

Take a journey with us.    We offer you several different options for creating a cost-effective website that looks professional, and which instills confidence in your ultimate customers.



Hi, my name is Kathy Perry.   I have been developing websites for various businesses for over 8 years now.   I have built travels sites, portals for coaching and consulting, membership sites, online woo-commerces stores, shopify stores, and many more.

I did not start out saying to myself... "hey, I want to be a web designer."  I started out with a problem.  I wanted to develop a my own business, and I realized that I needed a website.   Because I wanted to offer online, or virtual courses... I realized that having a web presence was imperative.   I explored many options of how to deliver my products and services, and at the end of the day I realized that learning how to create my own websites was not only going to be the most cost-effective solution for me, but would also provide the most flexibility in terms of creating and editing my online products and services.

Because I know and understand how to create and to edit my own websites, I have all the freedom in the world to write, edit, delete, any time of the day and night.    I can get up at 3 am, sit in front of the computer and post that blog post running through my head.  I can read through my pages that I created months before and decide "that doesn't quite sound right", and I can edit it on the spot.

Knowing how to design and to develop my own websites does not preclude me from hiring other people to do work for me.   Some times there are things I don't have time to do, or that other people simply do better than me.    There is always a good reason to delegate responsibilities.  But having the knowledge and abilities about website development that I DO have - I now have the freedom to choose - what, when and where I delegate.  And what, when and where I do things for myself.

Through the course of many years, I have run into many people who were looking for various ways to establish their online presence, and I began coaching and consulting for them, including helping them implement their vision onto their own web sites.    Even though I do believe anyone, given the time, can learn to build their own web site, I do understand that this takes time and may not be the best use of resources in the short term when one is trying to build an entire business in a reasonable time period.  Therefore, I also branched out into the web design businesses for those clients who are on the "fast-track to success".

After many years of building, creating and learning, I have decided to put what I know into a series of on-line courses.   The courses encompass much of what I have learned and encountered over the years, and each course, as I create it, I take again for myself as if I was the one trying to figure all of this out for the first time.

What would I NEED to know?

What would also be helpful?

What tips and ideas could save me a whole lot of time and energy?

I have put a lot of time and energy into these courses, and I sincerely hope that you enjoy them.  The world is constantly changing, and my courses and consulting material is constantluy changing to keep up with current innovations.   My objective is to provide a service that assists you in your goals - whether it be growing your business, or offering a portal for a non-profit community.

As I grow, I shall broaden out my course offerings, and build upon what has already been created.  I am looking forward to that journey, and hope that - if you like what you experience in these first few courses - you may consider going further in this journey with me.   Consulting packages are quite reasonable and tailored towards your own personal journey.

If you need some additional coaching and/or consulting to help you over some hurdles, or you don't have the time or energy to devote to creating and building your website - given that you have many other items on your "to-do" list right now - please click the yellow button and set up a free consultation with me and we will see if there are some ways we can work together to make your online dreams a reality.   Enjoy.

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