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Every business is a little bit different.    Every solution is customized to best meet those needs.

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Where Are You On Your Website Journey?  And What Would You Like to Accomplish?

Already have a website?   We have a number of traffic solutions for you:

1:   We begin by securing and upgrading your listing with Google itself.  Google maintains its own listing of your business so that when anyone googles you, these details show up in the search results.  We can help you edit and maintain this listing so it is always accurate and beneficial.

2:  We follow up this action by optimizing your actual website for the Google search engine.  We make sure that your page load speeds are super fast and that the right keywords and pages descriptions that ensure that your business shows up in the search rankings.

3:  Finally, we carry out some longer-term traffic generation plans through regular and continuous ranking and advertising strategies using both google, facebook, and other relevant traffic sources depending on the type of business you have.

But perhaps we need to start with your website.....

First let's review why it's so important to have a GREAT website.

Then, we will highlight what it is you REALLY NEED (the Key Elements) based on the type of business, or organization you need this website for.

Finally, we can decide whether you want to build your website ALL AT ONCE, or build it out in STAGES.    There are good reasons to do either, depending on your situation.

Why Do You NEED a Better Website?

A Website is a the FOUNDATION of your online presence.

Your website can be used to inform and service CURRENT customers, and, as well, be a landing place during NEW customer acquisition strategies.


  • Establish Credibility

    The biggest reason your business NEEDS a website is that it gives the business credibility. If you do not have a website, some people may not even bother going to the trouble to visit.

  • Contact Details

    Customers always need to find your business or contact you in some way… and perhaps book appointments as well

  • Online "Landing Page"

    Online customers NEED somewhere to go – something to click on – something that gives them more information and provides a clear reason for them to actually visit or book with you.

  • Highlight Sales and Events

    Visitors often look at a website to see what events are upcoming.   You can also use your website to sell tickets to these events.

  • Collect Email

    Websites can also be used to collect customer email addresses which can really help with notifying loyal followers of special events and promotions.

  • Order Online

    Whether online orders are shipped directly to the customer, or whether the customer must still pick up the item or service at the location, the website can be used perform product and service sales.

What are the Key Elements needed on YOUR Website?

Below are some sample KEY ELEMENTS for various business types.

The KEY ELEMENTS suggested below are general recommendations. Use them as a guideline.  In the end, you may have have slightly different priorities given your unique needs and circumstances.


Your Website is a very important component of your business.  It needs to be done right.  It needs to look professional.  And it needs to be engaging.  Let us help you.

  • Save Time

    Time is money.  The longer that we take to implement our plans, our dreams, or are visions, the more we leave on the table.    When we accelerate our growth, we are able to appreciate the rewards from our efforts that much quicker.

  • Feel Re-Vitalized

    Sometimes when we are trying to accomplish something big in our lives, it can become a little overwhelming.  It usually doesn’t take much to get us back on track again.  Just a little push.  Some insights we had forgotten about.  A perspective we hadn’t seen before.

  • Get it Done Right the First Time

    If we’ve never built a house before, chances are, if we try and do it all ourselves, there are going to be a few “errors”.  Some of these can get quite costly.    And can be time consuming to fix.   The best way to learn how to do something new is to delegate, learn from, and to copy from those who have already done it.    There will be fewer errors, it will get done faster, yet you still get to say it is YOUR house.  It will still be something you can be very proud of.

Accelerate Your Business Growth

  • Get Your Entire Website Built FOR You, or
  • Share the Load: Delegate PART of the Website Building Process to US
  • Need help figuring out what content to put on your website?
  • Need help getting clarity on your Vision or Your Mission?
  • Need help deciding how to attract and retain Website visitors?
  • Do you need an overall Website traffic plan?

We can help with this and more.    Sometimes, when we feel a little stuck, it doesn't take much to get us back on our feet and going again.

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